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Acupuncture 针灸

Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body. A key component of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain. Increasingly, it is being used for overall wellness, including stress management.

Acupuncture 针灸

Moxibustion 艾灸

Moxibustion is a therapy by using the natural herb Artemisia argyi. The herb will burned and with its heat on the meridian we stimulate the point.
It removes blockages of the life energy Qi and ensures that the energy can again flow freely. It improves the immune system and thereby improves healing and regeneration.

Moxibustion 艾灸

Cupping 拔罐

Cupping therapy is a TCM method of using fire cupping on the body to unblock the flow of QI, detoxing, clean the dampness, release the muscle pain. Many people use this method for relaxation and pain relief. The resulting negative pressure not only promotes blood circulation.

Cupping 拔罐

Chinese Massage 推拿

Chinese Massage is called Tui Na 推拿.
Tui Na is a therapy of Chinese massage that also based on 12 meridians, by using massage to release muscle pain. Is an ancient practice that aims to release the flow of energy around the body. Lots of skilfull techniques are used to bounce you back to good health, including kneading, rolling and deep pressure that's applied to precise points on your body.

Chinese Massage 推拿

Electric-Acupuncture 电针

Like traditional acupuncture, electroacupuncture uses needles placed in the same spots. Then, a small electrode is attached to the needles. A small amount of electricity runs through the electrode and gives a slight vibration or soft hum during treatment. It is to release the muscle pain.

Electric-Acupuncture 电针

Pulse Touching 把脉

It is a Traditional Chinese Method by touching the pulse, we can analyze your body condition. The pulse is felt at three points above the wrist with several fingers. These pressure points are each assigned to different internal organs: on the left wrist they are the heart, liver and kidneys, on the right the lungs, spleen and pericardium.

Pulse Touching 把脉
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