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Pulse touching is an diagnosis methode and it is an important tool in traditional chinese diagnostics.

The pulse is felt at three points above the wrist with several fingers. These pressure points are each assigned to different internal organs: on the left wrist they are the heart, liver and kidneys, on the right the lungs, spleen and pericardium.

For the TCM doctor, the following aspects of pulse diagnosis are of particular interest:

  • the speed: fast or slow
  • the depth: superficial or deep
  • the shape: extended or scarce
  • the flow: soft or hard
  • the rhythm rhythmic or arrhythmic

Based on these diagnostic criteria, TCM doctors differentiate between a total of 28 different pulse qualities.

Above all, it can be seen from this whether the patient is suffering from an excess or emptiness disease: Excess is characterized by a full, strong, rapid pulse, emptiness by a slow, weak and deep pulse.